Faster Way to Fat Loss Update – New Year, New Start

January 2, 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR! You guys, we made it through 2020. Last year was a doozy and I personally spent the year on what felt like an emotional roller coaster. Literally everything about our lives has been impacted in some way, and the fear, worry, and anxiety has been on another level. As a result, focus on my own health & fitness has really been on the back burner due to a number of reasons.

My daily routine of going to a physical corporate office every day, meal prepping and packing my lunch each week, and spending my lunch hour each day at the gym was completely disrupted when we came under work from home mandates in March 2020. Since we live in a rural area, it is not nearly as easy to run to the gym at lunch, and I have a really hard time motivating myself to work out at home. And as weird as it may sound, meal prepping really doesn’t happen when I’m working from home every day, so I usually find myself making meals on the fly. As a result, I really let myself get off track when it came to making healthy food choices and exercising regularly. I stress ate (A LOT), I drank more alcohol, and I pretty much stopped working out entirely.

I had worked so hard to get my nutrition under control in the two years prior to 2020. I felt good – I was healthy and I was in the best shape of my life, so allowing all of that hard work to go out the window has been quite deflating. And I physically FEEL it. I lack energy, motivation, and I just feel BLAH a lot. I am overwhelmed by stress & my anxiety is worse than ever, and I attribute that to not exercising, which has always been the best stress reliever for me. I can also tell a difference in the fit of my clothes. I don’t weigh myself often, but last time I did, I had only gained about 4 lbs; However, I know I’ve gained body fat, and to me, that is much more important than the number on the scale.

I know I am not alone, and I also know that we have to give ourselves grace – heck, just surviving 2020 is a huge accomplishment, but I can’t help feeling disappointed in myself. In some ways, I was telling myself the whole time that the situation was just temporary, and that maybe it was a free pass to just indulge and give my body a rest. The truth is, “temporary” turned into TEN months and now I realize that there is no going back to what I knew as normal. It is up to ME to create a new routine and establish structure that makes my health & fitness a priority again, and now I am ready – I NEED to get back on track, and I am committing to doing so in 2021.

I’m coming for you, 2021!

If you are an OG follower, then you know I started doing the Faster Way to Fat Loss in late 2017, when the program was practically brand new. I want you to know that I did this program before I was ever a “blogger”. I am the type of person who is immediately turned off by “gimmicky” things, so I get it if you are reading this and giving it the side-eye. I would NEVER EVER EVER promote anything that I could not truly stand behind, so please trust me when I tell you that this is a program that has truly changed lives, including mine. I was just a regular girl, flying under the radar, and wanting to make a change to better my health and fitness. There was never an intent for me to do the program so that I could in turn “sell” it to others, However, after my own great experience, I felt I needed to share it to help others that were in similar situations as me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and really put myself out there – never in a million years would I have thought I’d be sharing Before & After photos of myself (in my skivvies) for tons of eyeballs to see, but the proof is in the pudding and there is no denying the results shown in those photos. The thing I love about the FWTFL is that it is totally a sustainable lifestyle. It’s not a “get fit quick” program that leaves you feeling deprived and hungry all the time. You will become educated on how to fuel your body and how to become an effective fat burner (spoiler alert: carbs are your friend and you will get to eat lots of them, and you don’t have to kill yourself with cardio workouts all the time!). I could go on and on about the benefits of the FWTFL lifestyle, but I will spare you the repetitive details and just link you below to several resources that are here on my blog that might be helpful in making the decision to take the leap to start your new year off on the right foot.

Helpful Resources:

Each round of the FWTFL lasts six weeks + one “prep” week at the beginning that just allows you to get introduced to your coach and become acclimated with the program and schedule. Prep week for the next round starts this Monday, January 4th, and the official start of the round is Monday, January 11th.

I also wanted to add that I am NOT a personal coach. Because of my wonderful experience living the lifestyle, I did decide to become an “affiliate”, which basically means that if you found out about the program through me and were inspired to sign up, I will receive a commission. You will be placed in the rounds that are coached by the one and only Amanda Tress – she is the founder of the FWTFL and she is a ROCKSTAR. She also has a couple of coaches that help her, so you will have access to a few certified resources throughout your journey.

Is the program an investment? Yes. But, there is a lot of value included in the cost such as access to an accountability group with certified coaches to help you every step of the way, daily nutrition plans, daily workouts that you can do at home or in a gym, meal plans to help guide you on what to eat each day, and a mobile app with several other resources.

And I’ll wrap it up with this…the FWTFL requires COMMITMENT. It can be overwhelming…it will feel like a lot of work. But remember that you have to put in the work to see the results. Stick with it and go all in, and you WILL see results.

Sorry for the super long post, but hopefully it resonated in some way. I am happy to help answer any questions you have about the program. There is also a lot of info saved to my story highlights on Instagram, and I hope to share more FWTFL content over the next few weeks to help those of you that are just getting started. Best of luck to you as you work toward achieving your own health & wellness goals in the new year!

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